Organization of a 3-month ice hockey training course

Block 1 (28 days)

  1. Introduction (2 days)
    • Explanation of program organization (lecture room)
    • Program’s objectives for coaches (lecture room)
    • Terms explanation (lecture room)
    • Monitoring of the training process for different age categories – 1x category “Novice”, 1x category “Peewee”, 1x category “Bantam” or “Midget”, 1x seniors (ensure follow-up during the club’s training process)
  2. The energetic background of Ice Hockey game performance (8 days)
    • Factors influencing game performance (lecture room)
    • Development – load, nutrition, regeneration (lecture room)
    • Evaluation (lecture room, gym, ice)
  3. Technological and tactical background of game performance (8 days)
    • Ice hockey systematics (lecture room)
    • Development – motor learning (lecture room)
    • Evaluation (lecture room, gym, ice)
  4. Specifics of sports training for different age categories (10 days)
    • Training objectives in the various stages of sports training (lecture room)
    • The content of preparation in the various stages of sports training (lecture room)
    • Sensitive periods of development of physical abilities (lecture room)
    • Development of the personality of the athlete in different age categories (lecture room)

Block 2 (28 days)

  1. Focusing on player development – how to create an environment suitable for development (28 days)
    • The main objective of the development in different age categories (4 days)
      • Diagnostics as a way of finding the current state (lecture room, gym, ice)
      • Self-evaluation as a way of setting a target (lecture room)
    • Training exercises as a means of developing the player and team (8 days)
      • Load during the training process (lecture room, gym, multifunctional pitch, ice)
      • Complexity of exercise (lecture room, gym, gym, ice)
      • Didactic principles (lecture room, gym, gym, ice)
    • Coach’s approach to player as a factor to support his development (4 days)
      • How to encourage player motivation (lecture room)
      • How to build attitudes, values, behavior (lecture room)
      • Development of competitiveness among players (lecture room, gym, multifunctional pitch, ice)
      • Communication as a support for player’s development (lecture room)
        – how to set goals for players
        – solving the stressful situations
        – individual interviews
        – team meetings
    • Organization and planning (12 days)
      • Organizational frameworks for training and matches – annual training cycle and its division based on age categories, competitions (lecture room, watching matches and their organization in different age categories)
      • Organization of the training according to age categories (lecture room, gym, multifunctional pitch, ice)
      • Training exercises and their organizational forms (lecture room, gym, multifunctional pitch, ice)
      • Individual plans for players (lecture room, gym, multifunctional pitch, ice)

Block 3 (28 days)

  1. Coaching as support for player and team development (12 days)
    • Coach’s quality – morale, professionalism, communication (lecture room)
    • How to set team goals (lecture room)
    • How to create team rules (lecture room)
    • Coaching in different age categories (lecture room)
    • Game management – set, motivation, gameplay, player placement, evaluation, communication during the match (lecture room, watching matches of different age categories)
  2. Mental readiness for performance (6 Days)
    • Support the winning mentality
    • Preparation for the match
    • Thinking during a match
  3. Repeat the learned (10 days)
    • Conducting the training process in the center

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